Monday, December 29, 2014

Mission: It's Possible

It's that time of the year again! As another year approaches, we just can't help but look back at how we spent our year. The New Year has become a sorry excuse for people to make promises and resolutions to make their lives better, to make the new year far greater than the past ones. Let's get real though--not everybody can fulfill those resolutions. 
What's really amazing, though, is that no matter how many New Years have passed, how many plans we've made, and how many times we've failed, we always choose to try again. It's both a good and a bad thing, I know. But what the hell, right? I, for one, think this year will be different. I've already started in the last few months, and it's been shaky, but it only proved that it really is possible for me to "change" and stick to my plans.
Ready? I am.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Photo D // It's a Wednes-date!

Hey! Finally gonna start on my attempt at blogging about my fashion experiences. But I think I should say beforehand that my phone camera's not really that impressive compared to that of a DSLR camera, or a mere digital camera, or even that of the latest iPhone.

Oh, and by the way, I thought I'd just make my fashion-attempt blog posts into a photo diary of some sort. And it starts now!

A brief explanation for my title, "It's a Wednes-date!":
So it's Wednesday (duh), and I wore this outfit because I wanted to try something different from my usual attires, and to try out the new vintage jumper I bought at a thrift shop here in Cebu. After I put on my outfit, someone told me that I looked like I was going out to some date with my friends. So voila! It's a Wednes-date!



Jumper - Vintage
Polka dot pullover - Twylascloset
Clutch - Vintage
Loafers - Artwork

P.S. Okay I know you might be thinking that my poses are pretty much the same, 'cause I do too. Huhu in my defense, 1. I wasn't thinking of posting this on my blog, 2. I was rattled because I suddenly forgot the poses I see on instagram (haha), and 3. I didn't get many pictures, really. Till my next--and hopefully better--post!

 Myles C A 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Pop! There goes my Idea Balloon

Hey, I'm back to blogging and I have a confession I'd like to make.

See, only recently have I followed Instagram accounts of fashion enthusiasts. And with every post I look at as I scroll down, I imagine that I'm the one wearing those clothes, posing that pose, and captioning "Something new is up on my fashion blog!" Haha! Crazy, right?

So anyway, there I was, looking at photos of an account of an incredibly stylish person, admiring and criticizing like I knew something about fashion, when a ludicrous idea popped in my head. It appeared like a Broadway sign, seemingly shouting at me with its bold, all caps font saying, "Why don't you make a fashion blog?"

Ha! No thanks, I said to myself. It is already impossibly hard to maintain this blog, why would I bother making another one? Right?

Besides, I don't have that much clothes, and resources to buy more. My closet consists only of about three jeans, a bunch of shirts, a couple of dresses... well you get the picture. Having a fashion/travel/lifestyle blog entails having time to 1. buy clothes, 2. mix 'n' match to create some style, 3. create a post about what the style is about, 4. basically maintain the blog.
And apparently, with my hard-to-follow schedule, my actual life outside the social networking world, my not-really-so-stylish sense of fashion, and my lack of resources, I will eventually fail coping with the four points I enumerated above.

My resolution, and hey it's not a pretty bad idea at all, is to just add some posts here--when I have the time to--about some attempts at being a fashion enthusiast.

I do so hope that I'll succeed. Or at least I'd look like some idiot with style. Toodles!

 Myles C A 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Su-PAPA-rman the Great

This is Commander Laloy, the only Super in my life. Best papa ever!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

I'm tired of the reactionary students I see every single fucking day.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Laundry Day! (Ugh)

Today was laundry day. And for the first time in a month (or two),  I finally washed all my clothes and left no dirty piece behind. Except, of course, the ones I'm wearing.

While I was caught up doing my laundry (concert) with me singing The End on the top of my lungs, a million thoughts came and went inside my head.

One moment I was thinking about the last few weeks before classes begin, and what I wanted to do with them. The next thing I knew, I was thinking about how I can contribute to my org, and how big the responsibility of being the secretary general is. My thoughts are practically on shuffle if they were songs on any playlist.

So tonight, I look back to my laundry day as another experience to draw lessons from.

And the most applicable lesson for me is... never wait too long to wash your clothes because you might end up with a mountain of used clothing, and get really tired after washing them all.

It's the same thing with our emotions. Whether it be anger, sadness, envy, or whatever (negative or positive) emotion there is, when you keep it all inside you for some considerable period of time, the results can be quite a pain in the ass.

We all have a breaking point, just like there will always be a time when we badly need clean clothes, and trust me, it's gonna be exhausting cleaning up the mess. So you better not keep it to yourself too long, or else... you know the rest.

And I, on the other hand, will definitely try to wash my clothes at least once a week. God forbid there be another day I curse my laziness, and wear something not worth an #OOTD post.

Monday, July 7, 2014


Are you familiar with the series called Awkward? I've been hooked to it for two days now. And surprisingly, I stopped at season three's tenth episode.

The main reason why is that I really think it's been revolving too much about skank reflex. (Read: sex and the like). But that's not the point of why I even wasted my time making a post about it.

Apparently, it's been a long time since I tried writing a sensible article on my blog. And the bizarre thing is, even if I thought watching more episodes would be a total waste of time, I think I learned a thing or two from this TV series. So I decided to come back to writing and make Awkward my comeback entry.

Before I start babbling about the serious stuff like the boring realizations I had, I would just like to say that the main character of this story, Jenna, inspired me to start writing on my blog more often. I think I finally came to my senses that writing about it could actually help me when I'm going through some tough times, or not.

Going back to the main point of my post (Wow, I really do make a long intro), I realized a few things from watching it:
  1. A lot of people really have a way of going into one's head. And this is very applicable to our generation. Have you noticed how the social media is full of quotes to supposedly encourage us to "be ourselves"? Take this famous saying that goes, "We're young, and we make mistakes". This, for one, creates the illusion that it's okay to make mistakes because we're young. But the truth is that we all do make mistakes regardless of how old we are--because it's part of being human to err, then at least have the balls to become better.
  2. (Closely related to the previous number, here's my next realization.) We tend to make excuses for us to convince ourselves that it's okay to commit a guilty pleasure, or at least to make us feel better when we've done so, or made mistakes. We've all become cowards because we can't even admit our mistakes. I, for one, have issues with swallowing my fucking pride and making amends. But whether we like it or not, the truth that we messed up will always come creeping behind us even when we've done everything to kick it out of our lives. The only way to permanently get rid of the guilt or whatnot is to man up and admit the mistake, (fix whatever needs fixing, or do whatever is necessary to make yourself feel better,) and move on.
  3. Sadly, instead of being polite and brave, we all wallow in the pool of desperation, waiting for some luck at either redeeming ourselves or settling nasty (and personal) stuff. And unfortunately, this leads to dramatic posts on Facebook or Twitter (or any other social networking site) about it. For example, I once posted a tweet about someone and it was quite nasty. That I'm-not-saying-this-directly-to-you-but-I-hope-you-read-this-because-it's-definitely-for-you kind of tweet. Guess where that landed me? About four months on planet Cold War with my best friend. And I can only tell you, no matter who you wanted to criticize, or probably trash talk on, the results of not personally (and perhaps, privately) confronting the other party is devastating. (In one way or another.) Aside from that, it's just plain annoying seeing posts like that... and reading the comments of human piranhas just waiting for more gossip they could poke their nose in.
  4. Relationships without honesty and trust will never work--no matter how much you think you love that person (or in Awkward, no matter how amazing the sex is). It will only reek of insecurities, doubts, and probably deception. And there's not only a high chance of deceiving your partner, but there's also a high chance of you deceiving yourself. 
Yikes, this post is longer than I planned. Meh. Maybe that's how insightful I can get. Or not.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Thursday, June 12, 2014

116th HINDIpendence Day

This photo shows the status of the Filipinos today.
While the masses experience poverty and injustice,
the Landlords and Big Comprador Bourgeousie
(well-protected by some police, thus are "above the law"),
and the politicians (with their military pets)
hold the most of the country's riches.
Happy Independence Day! I am grateful to our ancestors because since our very first independence day, we were never oppressed again! Right?

Wrong. Truth is, we have never been independent. Yes, years after the 1898 Independence Day, our country has had some glory days. But look at our country now. I'm sure you won't need a 20/20 vision to see the reality of what has become of us.

Yes, they say our economy has boomed and that it may become one of the tiger economies in Asia. But what good does a booming economy bring when every big urban cities reek of poverty and injustice? What good does it really bring when the majority of the Filipino people cannot feel the "rippling effects" of the rising Philippine economy?

Is the economy the measure of how the nation is doing? Or is it only diversion so we might think that the government is actually doing something for the benefit of all? Have you not thought that what they oh-so proudly boast around is something only a few could really, truly make use of?

We may be free from oppression by other countries (or not), but our so-called government leaders and even those who hold the key to the booming economy are the ones who took over the previous oppressors.

"Mayaman ang Pilipinas, pero bakit naghihirap ang mamamayang Pilipino?" (The Philippines is rich, but why are the Filipino citizens suffering?) 

Why, indeed?

It was in grade school that I learned how rich our country is. We were told we had 7,107 islands full of natural resources. And it was in high school when I learned of the other very important resource we have, yet are taken for granted--skillful, intelligent, and talented Filipinos.

Where have all the natural resources gone? Why are there so many people unemployed, or even if they're employed, they still couldn't afford to provide their family a good life? Why do thousands of workers choose to flee instead of work in their own country?

How can we be independent if we don't even have our own industry? It's a shame to see our precious resources be put to waste. It's a disgrace to know that the millions of hectares of land monopolized by a few, and that the millions of Filipinos are being exploited.

No, we are not independent. This country is buried in the amount of debt we owe. Instead of creating our own industry, we continue to depend on other countries for help. As a result, majority of the Philippine budget goes to paying debt, yet ironically we rely on who we are indebted to for more money.

Because apparently majority of the budget goes to debt servicing and defense. The next part goes to social services, divided into healthcare, housing, and education. As we can see, instead of prioritizing the people, we prioritize our budget in where majority cannot benefit. Now, if the that little amount left for us to benefit from goes to the pockets of the few, what do we really have left?

While we are still dependent on others, there will always be people ready to take advantage of that. Disguised as someone who is going to help, they will take that opportunity to oppress and exploit.

And, "If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor." (Desmond Tutu)

So long as there are people who continue to oppress the Filipinos--be it the government, the few people who own thousands of hectares of land, or the imperialist US who never really left--we will never become independent.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

LIFE AS I KNOW IT: Chapter 3

(From L-R: Hanna Sofia Khio, Myles Albasin, Princess Rosario Geraldine Paduganan)

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Thursday, May 8, 2014

An Announcement from the Queen

Hey there, my dear princes and princesses!

I've set up a new page on my blog. It's called "Sunrise, Sunset", as seen right below my header image. Just a lil summary: it's (or going to be, at this moment) a collection of my shots of sunrises and sunsets.

Queen Witch

Monday, April 28, 2014

How I Met Reality

Have you tried getting slapped by reality?

In case you haven’t, let me give you a heads up. It can either leave you thinking like you’ve got the whole world on your shoulders, or it could leave you excited as a kid about to watch his favorite television show. Unfortunately for me, reality gave me a really hard slap on the face that left me feeling excited because I finally realized I have the world on my shoulders. Yes, it’s driving me crazy; reality can also make you nuts, too.

Let me tell the story of how I met reality.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Embracing Change

Things have changed. They always do. But I never knew the change would affect me this much.

A year and a half ago, give or take, I found solace in a cup of cold, delicious milk tea from my favorite tea shop, Chingkee Tea. Whether I felt overjoyed or depressed, whether I needed to drown my frustrations or celebrate my achievements, or whether I wanted to flush my anger or I simply wanted to chill, I always went to this place.

As June of last year approached, I knew I was gonna miss this place. And I did. There was no milk tea place in Cebu which made me feel as happy and calm as Chingkee Tea did.

Truth be told, though, I wondered why.

Last April 10, I found out why.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Return

After a failed attempt at maintaining my blog, I'm here to try again. Haha! Hopefully, this time, I can continue what I've started. Fingers crossed!