Thursday, June 12, 2014

116th HINDIpendence Day

This photo shows the status of the Filipinos today.
While the masses experience poverty and injustice,
the Landlords and Big Comprador Bourgeousie
(well-protected by some police, thus are "above the law"),
and the politicians (with their military pets)
hold the most of the country's riches.
Happy Independence Day! I am grateful to our ancestors because since our very first independence day, we were never oppressed again! Right?

Wrong. Truth is, we have never been independent. Yes, years after the 1898 Independence Day, our country has had some glory days. But look at our country now. I'm sure you won't need a 20/20 vision to see the reality of what has become of us.

Yes, they say our economy has boomed and that it may become one of the tiger economies in Asia. But what good does a booming economy bring when every big urban cities reek of poverty and injustice? What good does it really bring when the majority of the Filipino people cannot feel the "rippling effects" of the rising Philippine economy?

Is the economy the measure of how the nation is doing? Or is it only diversion so we might think that the government is actually doing something for the benefit of all? Have you not thought that what they oh-so proudly boast around is something only a few could really, truly make use of?

We may be free from oppression by other countries (or not), but our so-called government leaders and even those who hold the key to the booming economy are the ones who took over the previous oppressors.

"Mayaman ang Pilipinas, pero bakit naghihirap ang mamamayang Pilipino?" (The Philippines is rich, but why are the Filipino citizens suffering?) 

Why, indeed?

It was in grade school that I learned how rich our country is. We were told we had 7,107 islands full of natural resources. And it was in high school when I learned of the other very important resource we have, yet are taken for granted--skillful, intelligent, and talented Filipinos.

Where have all the natural resources gone? Why are there so many people unemployed, or even if they're employed, they still couldn't afford to provide their family a good life? Why do thousands of workers choose to flee instead of work in their own country?

How can we be independent if we don't even have our own industry? It's a shame to see our precious resources be put to waste. It's a disgrace to know that the millions of hectares of land monopolized by a few, and that the millions of Filipinos are being exploited.

No, we are not independent. This country is buried in the amount of debt we owe. Instead of creating our own industry, we continue to depend on other countries for help. As a result, majority of the Philippine budget goes to paying debt, yet ironically we rely on who we are indebted to for more money.

Because apparently majority of the budget goes to debt servicing and defense. The next part goes to social services, divided into healthcare, housing, and education. As we can see, instead of prioritizing the people, we prioritize our budget in where majority cannot benefit. Now, if the that little amount left for us to benefit from goes to the pockets of the few, what do we really have left?

While we are still dependent on others, there will always be people ready to take advantage of that. Disguised as someone who is going to help, they will take that opportunity to oppress and exploit.

And, "If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor." (Desmond Tutu)

So long as there are people who continue to oppress the Filipinos--be it the government, the few people who own thousands of hectares of land, or the imperialist US who never really left--we will never become independent.