Monday, December 29, 2014

Mission: It's Possible

It's that time of the year again! As another year approaches, we just can't help but look back at how we spent our year. The New Year has become a sorry excuse for people to make promises and resolutions to make their lives better, to make the new year far greater than the past ones. Let's get real though--not everybody can fulfill those resolutions. 
What's really amazing, though, is that no matter how many New Years have passed, how many plans we've made, and how many times we've failed, we always choose to try again. It's both a good and a bad thing, I know. But what the hell, right? I, for one, think this year will be different. I've already started in the last few months, and it's been shaky, but it only proved that it really is possible for me to "change" and stick to my plans.
Ready? I am.


Hugot One - Hugtan ang pagtuo, hugtan ang budget.

I solemnly swear that I will tighten my belt as much as I can to save money for any future purposes. Seriously though, I've had an epiphany after one of the many "words of wisdom sessions" my father loves to give. Let's just say that the bottom line of my  epiphany is that if I want something to happen--a plan, per se--I have to really sacrifice the not-so-rare cravings, forced needs (that are actually wants) and whatnot, and really work hard for it to provide it for myself.

Hugot Two - Hugtan ang pagtuo, hugtan ang disiplina.

I solemnly swear to discipline myself. It's all about keeping my mind over matter. I will discipline myself to stop overspending, to keep my emotions in check, to make my savings grow, to improve my study habits, to contribute as much as I can for the students and the masses, and to be a better person every day.

Hugot Three - Hugtan ang pagtuo.

I solemnly swear to believe. And what's more, I solemnly swear to actually do something. It's always all about keeping the balance between studying more to obtain more ideas, and applying these obtained ideas to translate them into action. 

There's nothing absolutely wrong with making similar, if not totally the same, resolutions as long as there is progress every year. More importantly, though, it is essential to keep in mind that we don't have to wait for another year to end, and another year to arrive, for us to change and be better. Every waking day of our lives, we must always assess our progress, and do the necessary steps so we can finally reach our goals.
Let's get this rockin' 2015 party started!